
Video conferencing service of DFN

In the instruction area you will find all handouts, user manuals and documentation related to the service.

Setting Up a Phone- or Videoconference

Go tot he following website https://www.conf.dfn.de/


Click on the Button „Veranstalter-Login“.

If the University Stuttgart is not selected select it from the dropdown list.

Log in with your university Stuttgart user account an Password.

Finally, select whether the information visible above should be transferred to the service once or automatically in the future.

You will now see the main page and your already created conferences. For example, to create a new meeting room click on the tab "Meeting Rooms" and then on „New Meeting Room +“.

Assign a name and an organizer PIN. Under "More settings" you can make additional configurations.

Now you see your created meeting room. Using the invitation templates, you can copy the text and send it to the participants, e.g. by e-mail. If you click on the room number, you can directly participate in the conference and conduct it. By clicking on the name, you can revise the settings of your conference.

You can find further help from the DFN under https://my.conf.dfn.de/pexip/help/

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