Request for event recording

TIK – Technical Information and Communication Services

To use this service, please fill out the application form.

Welcome to the application area. Here you will find all applications for the services. If you have further questions, you can also consult our FAQ or contact our support.

Please note: This form is NOT for lecture room reservations. Information on booking lecture halls can be found at:

Please note:
- Your application is valid for the entire semester.
- We need some time to enter your order. You can
start recording immediately without any problems, but only after our answer
the recordings are automatically assigned to your ILIAS object.
- If you have any questions about your order (please only send an email to, please always send the link to your ILIAS Opencast object or at least your lecture number!
- Please make sure to use our instructions.

Request for event recording

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.


Note on image sources of the recording:

  • In each lecture hall there is the option of recording the image that appears on the beamer.
  • If there are two projectors and two different signals can be shown there, there is the option of recording both separately.
  • The blackboard picture and/or the lecturer can be recorded where there is a camera - this can be found most easily in the lecture hall list.

(I*): So that we can create your lectures in the correct ILIAS group and you can manage them there, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Create an opencast object in your ILIAS group (not a mediacast object!)
  2. Open the object and scroll all the way down
  3. There you will find a "Link to this page". Please copy this into the appropriate field

The link contains the text component "_xmh". If you have selected a link with the text part "crs" or "mcst", you do not have the right link!


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Bitte beachten Sie unsere Datenschutzerklärung zu Supportanfragen und ­Formularen.

Click on "Send" to send your application.

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