FAQsDaRUS DaRUS is the place to archive, share and publish the research data, scripts and codes of the members and partners of the University of Stuttgart.
FAQsFile transfer F*EX The File Exchange Service F*EX allows you to send and receive files of any size.
FAQsDatabases The TIK offers a database hosting service to the institutions of the university for use for official purposes.
FAQsBackup Service Institutes and facilities of the University of Stuttgart have the possibility to centrally store backup data from their server and workstation computers.
FAQsPrint & Scan Services The printing and plotting service of the Universität Stuttgart operates a variety of devices for the output of documents, graphics, plans, posters and more.
FAQsDrucker-Multifunktionsgeräte Multifunktionsgeräte sind geleast. Hier finden Sie Informationen zum Abrufvertrag und zum Vorgehen.
FAQsE-mail Members of the Universität Stuttgart are automatically assigned their own e-mail address. In addition to the regular accounts, functional addresses can also be requested.
FAQsFile Service Facilities and institutes of the Universität Stuttgart can store data on the servers of the TIK. Access is via the CIFS (SMB) protocol and, on request, NFS.
FAQsIdentity management (SIAM) Via our central identity management all members and affiliates of the Universität Stuttgart receive a uniform, personal and university-wide user account. The access authorization to most IT services is connected to the identity management.
FAQsConference Services For conferences and other events, participants without eduroam identification will receive wireless Internet access via the conference WiFi.
FAQsMailing List Members of the Universität Stuttgart can apply for a mailing list to exchange messages with a defined group of recipients.
FAQsPC-Pools Computer workstations operated by the TIK are available to students throughout the campus. Employees can book these for courses and exercises.
FAQsSoftware and licenses Via the TIK, members of the Universität Stuttgart can obtain software within the scope of campus and state licenses as well as special licenses.
FAQsPhone Services Employees of the Universität Stuttgart can apply for their own telephone connection.
FAQsLecture Recordings Members of the Universität Stuttgart have the opportunity to record their events in the lecture hall or from home and make them available online to participants.
FAQsVideo conferencing (alfaview) University members can use alfaview as an alternative videoconference-service, which only uses German servers.
FAQsVideo conferencing Members of the University of Stuttgart can hold video conferences using Cisco Webex. Furthermore, they can use the DFNconf service.
FAQsVirus protection Endpoint Protection Software is provided to all employees of the University of Stuttgart for the secure operation of work computers and servers.
FAQsVirtual Programming Laboratory (ViPLab) The virtual programming lab ViPLab is a browser-based programming environment in ILIAS which enables the execution of programming tasks in online tests.
FAQsWi-Fi (eduroam) Members of all universities participating in the Educational Roaming (eduroam) initiative receive free WLAN at the University of Stuttgart.
FAQsWeb Hosting As a content management system, the TIK offers OpenCms to institutions of the University of Stuttgart, for the design of their websites.