Our Communication-Services
Telephone, Email and Webhosting at the University of Stuttgart
Different forms of communication are elementary for research, teaching and the university’s public image. The TIK operates the telephone system and offers every employee of the university the possibility of a telephone connection. Furthermore, we run mail-servers and host a majority of the employees’ inboxes – of course this includes anti-virus and spam-filters. Every employee and every student has his/her personal university-email-address. The video-conferencing systems also fall under our responsibility.
Webhosting is another one of our important services: We operate the webservers and host the university’s main website as well as the institutes’ websites. In this area, we cooperate closely with our colleagues from University Communications. The content-management-system OpenCMS is not only run by us, we also continuously work on its improvement and further development in order to guarantee an up-to-date website.
Overview of our Communication-Services
For more information, documentation, FAQs and support-addresses please choose the appropriate services from the boxes below. You cannot find what you are looking for? Please refer to our list of all services.