Service for employees and students


Cloud service for members of the universities and colleges in Baden-Württemberg.

Scope of functions

The state service bwCloud operates and develops an "Infrastructure-as-a-Service" environment for research and teaching in Baden-Württemberg:

  • Flexible IT infrastructure optimized for research and teaching
  • Provision of compute resources (virtual machines)
  • Independent operation of virtual machines (self-service) in OpenStack environment
  • Different flavors (number of available CPUs, RAM and storage)
  • Easy registration and 100Gbit/s bandwidth through the state services bwIDM and BelWü

Frequently asked questions

To use bwCloud, you must register for the service and set a separate service password. Under the following link you will find instructions that describe registration and password assignment step by step .

Log in to the bw-Cloud portal with the following information:

User name:

ac****** (for employees)
st****** (for students)

Password: Your separately set service password.

Students can receive increased quota within the framework of projects:

  1. Tell your supervisor about your needs
  2. Your supervisor opens a project with you
  3. The supervisor applies for extended quota
  4. Transfer your virtual resources to the project
  5. bwCloud allocates as much quota to the project as needed
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