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TIK - Technical information and communication services

Here you can find the current list of TIK publications

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TIK publication list

  1. 2023

    1. Kiesel, S., Krause, K.: eduroam vs. OpenRoaming vs. offenes WLAN,, (2023).
  2. 2020

    1. Kiesel, S., Stiemerling, M.: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Cross-Domain Server Discovery. RFC Editor (2020).
  3. 2018

    1. Kiesel, S., Heidenreich, R.: Einführung von Microsoft Exchange an der Universität Stuttgart, (2018).
  4. 2016

    1. Kiesel, S., Penno, R.: Port Control Protocol (PCP) Anycast Addresses. RFC Editor (2016).
    2. Stiemerling, M., Kiesel, S., Scharf, M., Seidel, H., Previdi, S.: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Deployment Considerations. RFC Editor (2016).
    3. Kiesel, S., Penno, R.: Port Control Protocol (PCP) Anycast Addresses. RFC Editor (2016).
  5. 2015

    1. Richter, T., Vanvinkenroye, J.: Automatic Correction of Programming Exercises in ViPLab. In: Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Multimedia (ISM). IEEE, Miami (2015).
    2. Richter, T.: Lossless Coding Extensions for JPEG. In: Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2015. IEEE, Snowbird, UT (2015).
    3. Boehringer, D.: eLearning infrastructures for co-operative degree programmes          in Europe. In: Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2015 IEEE. pp. 73–76. , Tallinn (2015).
    4. Richter, T.: Automatische Aufgabenkorrektur mit ViPLab. In: Proceedings of the second Workshop Äutomatische Bewertung      von Programmieraufgaben". Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI),          Geschellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2015, Wolfenbüttel, Germany (2015).
    5. Richter, T., Bruylants, T., Schelkens, P., Ebrahimi, T.: The JPEG XT suite of standards: status and future plans. In: Proc. SPIE 9599, Applications of Digital Image Processing. SPIE, San Diego (2015).
  6. 2014

    1. Richter, T., Boehringer, D., Grube, P.: Integrating an Online Programming Lab into ILIAS. In: 11th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV). pp. 31–34. IEEE, Porto, Portugal (2014).
    2. (Editor), R.A., (Editor), R.P., (Editor), Y.R.Y., Kiesel, S., Previdi, S., Roome, W., Shalunov, S., Woundy, R.: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol. RFC Editor (2014).
    3. Richter, T., Boehringer, D.: Towards electronic exams in undergraduate engineering. In: Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2014 IEEE. pp. 196–201. IEEE, Istanbul (2014).
    4. Alimi, R. (Editor), Penno, R. (Editor), Yang, Y.R. (Editor), Kiesel, S., Previdi, S., Roome, W., Shalunov, S., Woundy, R.: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol. RFC Editor (2014).
    5. Kiesel, S., Stiemerling, M., Schwan, N., Scharf, M., Song, H.: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Server Discovery. RFC Editor (2014).
    6. Boehringer, D., Bernlohr, H.: CampusConnect: An open-source initiative to connect Learning Management Systems. In: Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2014 IEEE. pp. 134–141 (2014).
    7. Richter, T.: Rate Allocation in a Two Quantizer Coding System. In: Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2014. pp. 83–92. IEEE, Snowbird, UT (2014).
    8. Kiesel, S., Stiemerling, M., Schwan, N., Scharf, M., Song, H.: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Server Discovery. RFC Editor (2014).
    9. Boehringer, D., May, B., Jokiaho, A.: CampusConnect - ein baden-württembergisches Projekt. In: Spary, Ch. (ed.) E-Learning: Bildung 2.0? Anforderungen auf dem elektronischen Weg der individualisierten Lernumgebungen. pp. 247–268. RabenStück-Verlag, Berlin (2014).
  7. 2013

    1. Scharf, M., Kiesel, S.: Quantifying Head-of-Line Blocking in TCP and SCTP. IETF Secretariat (2013).
    2. Unknown, Vanvinkenroye, J., Gruninger, C., Heine, C.-J., Richter, T.: A Quantitative Analysis of a Virtual Programming Lab. In: IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2103). pp. 457–461. IEEE, Anaheim, California, USA (2013).
    3. Vensmer, A., Berger, S.: DynFire - Verteilte Firewalls in heterogenen Netzwerken, (2013).
    4. Lutz, D.J., Stiller, B.: A Survey of Payment Approaches for Identity Federations                in Focus of the SAML Technology. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 15, 1979–1999 (2013).
    5. Richter, T.: On the Standardization of the JPEG XT Image Compression. In: Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 2013. pp. 37–40. IEEE, San Jose, CA (2013).
    6. Richter, T.: High Throughput Coding of Video Signals. In: Data Compression Conference (DCC). p. 517. IEEE, Snowbird, UT (2013).
    7. Richter, T.: A Global Image Fidelity Metric: Visual Distance and its Properties. In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2013. pp. 369–373. IEEE, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2013).
    8. Richter, Th., Wang, Z., Simon, S., Klaiber, M., Ahmed, S.: SSPQ - spatial domain perceptual image codec based on subsampling and perceptual quantization. In: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2012. pp. 1061–1064. IEEE, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA (2013).
    9. Richter, T., Simon, S.: Comparison of CPU and GPU Based Coding on Low-Complexity Algorithms for Display Signals. In: Tescher, A.G. (ed.) Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXVI. p. 14 pages. SPIE (2013).
    10. Richter, T.: Backwards Compatible Coding of High Dynamic Range Images with JPEG. In: Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2013. pp. 153–160. IEEE, Snowbird, UT (2013).
    11. Demont, C., Breitenbücher, U., Kopp, O., Leymann, F., Wettinger, J.: Towards Integrating TOSCA and ITIL. In: Kopp, O. and Lohmann, N. (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th Central-European Workshop on Services            and their Composition (ZEUS 2013). pp. 28--31. (2013).
    12. Richter, T., Simon, S.: Coding Strategies and Performance Analysis of GPU Accelerated Image Compression. In: Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 2013. pp. 125–128. IEEE, San Jose, CA (2013).
  8. 2012

    1. Wang, Z., Klaiber, M., Gera, Y., Simon, S., Richter, T.: Fast lossless image compression with 2D Golomb parameter adaptation based on JPEG-LS. In: Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2012 Proceedings of the 20th European. pp. 1920–1924 (2012).
    2. Richter, Th., Rudlof, S., Boehringer, D., Grüninger, Ch., Helmig, R., Rohde, Ch., Bernlohr, H., Munz, C.-D., Stock, A.: ViPLab - A Virtual Programming Laboratory for Mathematics and Engineering. In: SEFI 40th annual conference (2012).
    3. Vensmer, A., Kiesel, S.: DynFire: Dynamic Firewalling in Heterogeneous Environments. In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2012). , Guleph, Canada (2012).
    4. Richter, T., Simon, S.: On the JPEG 2000 Ultrafast Mode. In: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2012. pp. 2501–2504. IEEE, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA (2012).
    5. D.Lamp, S.Berger, M.Stein, T.Voith, T.Cucinotta, M.Bertogna: Execution and Resource Management in QoS-Aware Virtualized Infrastructures. In: Achieving Real-Time in Distributed Computing: From Grids to Clouds:    IGI Global. pp. 200–217 (2012).
    6. (Editor), S.K., Previdi, S., Stiemerling, M., Woundy, R., Yang, Y.R.: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Requirements. RFC Editor (2012).
    7. Berger, S., Vensmer, A., Kiesel, S.: An ABAC-based Policy Framework for Dynamic Firewalling. In: Proceedings of the The Seventh International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications (ICSNC 2012). pp. 118-- 123. , Lisbon, Portugal (2012).
    8. Richter, T.: Compressing JPEG 2000 JPIP Cache State Information. In: Marcellin, J.A.S.M.W. (ed.) Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2012. pp. 13–21. IEEE, Snowbird, Utah, USA (2012).
    9. Richter, Th., Grube, P., Zutin, D.: A Standardized Metadata Set for Annotation of Virtual and Remote Laboratories. In: 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia ISM 2012. pp. 451–456. IEEE, Irvine, California, USA (2012).
    10. Berger, S., Vensmer, A., Kiesel, S.: An ABAC-based Policy Framework for Dynamic Firewalling. In: Proceedings of the The Seventh International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications (ICSNC 2012). pp. 118--123. , Lisbon, Portugal (2012).
    11. Kiesel, S.: VoIPUS: IP-Telefonie für die Universität Stuttgart, (2012).
    12. Gera, Y., Wang, Z., Simon, S., Richter, T.: Fast and Context-free Lossless Image Compression Algorithm based on JPEG-LS. In: Marcellin, J.A.S.M.W. (ed.) Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2012. IEEE, Snowbird, Utah, USA (2012).
    13. Wang, Z., Chanda, D., Simon, S., Richter, T.: Memory efficient lossless compression of image sequences with JPEG-LS and temporal prediction. In: Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 2012. pp. 305–308 (2012).
    14. Marx, R., Kiesel, S.: Dynamic firewalling for femto-cell communication, (2012).
    15. Vensmer, A., Kiesel, S.: DynFire: Dynamic Firewalling in Heterogeneous Environments. In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2012). , Guleph, Canada (2012).
    16. Richter, T., Simon, S.: Towards high-speed, low-complexity image coding: Variants and modification of JPEG 2000. In: Tescher, A.G. (ed.) Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXV. p. 10. SPIE (2012).
    17. M.Stein, K.Oberle, T.Voith, D.Lamp, S.Berger: Network Management in Virtualized Infrastructures. In: Achieving Real-Time in Distributed Computing: From Grids to Clouds:    IGI Global. pp. 218–235 (2012).
    18. Cucinotta, T., Checconi, F., Kousiouris, G., Konstanteli, K., Gogouvitis, S.V., Kyriazis, D., Varvarigou, T.A., Mazzetti, A., Zlatev, Z., Papay, J., Boniface, M., Berger, S., Lamp, D., Voith, T., Stein, M.: Virtualised e-Learning on the IRMOS real-time Cloud. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. 6, 151–166 (2012).
    19. Richter, T., Watson, R., Kassavetis, S., Kraft, M., Grube, P., Boehringer, D., de Vries, P., Hatzikraniotis, E., Logothetidis, S.: The WebLabs of the University of Cambridge: A study of securing remote instrumentation. In: 9th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV). pp. 1–5. IEEE, Bilbao, Spain (2012).
    20. Kiesel, S., Stiemerling, M.: 3rd Party ALTO Server Discovery (3pdisc). IETF Secretariat (2012).
    21. Marx, R., Kiesel, S.: Dynamic firewalling for femto-cell communication,, (2012).
    22. Kiesel, S.: VoIPUS: IP-Telefonie für die Universität Stuttgart, (2012).
    23. Kiesel, S. (Editor), Previdi, S., Stiemerling, M., Woundy, R., Yang, Y.R.: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Requirements. RFC Editor (2012).
  9. 2011

    1. Tetour, Y., Boehringer, D., Richter, T.: Integration of virtual and remote experiments into undergraduate engineering courses. In: Global Online Laboratory Consortium Remote Laboratories Workshop (GOLC), 2011 First. pp. 1–6. IEEE, Rapid City, SD (2011).
    2. Richter, T.: SSIM as Global Quality Metric: A Differential Geometry View. In: Third International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Expierence (QoMEX 2011). pp. 189–194. IEEE, Mechelen (2011).
    3. Richter, T.: EEM quantization revisited: asymptotic optimality for variable rate coding. In: Tescher, A.G. (ed.) Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXIV. SPIE (2011).
    4. Richter, T.: Deadzone Based Rate Allocation for JPEG XR. In: Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2011. p. 474. IEEE, Snowbird, UT (2011).
    5. Lutz, D.J.: Payment processes for identity federations: the SAML-based                payment approach, (2011).
    6. Richter, Th., Rudlof, S., B.Adjibadji, Bernlohr, H., Gruninger, C., Munz, C., Rohde, C., Helmig, R.: ViPLab -A Virtual Programming Laboratory for Mathematics and Engineering. In: ISM 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia. pp. 537–542. IEEE, Dana Point CA (2011).
    7. Lutz, D.J.: Bridging between SAML-Based Payment and Other Identity Federation                Payment Systems. In: Digital Enterprise and Information Systems - International                Conference, DEIS 2011, London, UK, July 20 - 22, 2011. Proceedings. pp. 172–186 (2011).
    8. Grube, P.P., Boehringer, D., Richter, T., Spiecker, C., Natho, N., Maier, C., Zutin, D.: A metadata model for online laboratories. In: Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2011 IEEE. pp. 618–622. IEEE, Amman (2011).
    9. Mateos, V., Gallardo, A., Richter, T., Bellido, L., Debicki, P., Villagrá, Dr.V.A.: LiLa Booking System: Architecture and Conceptual Model of a Rig Booking System for On-Line Laboratories. In: International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE). pp. 26–35. International Association of Online Engineering (2011).
    10. Richter, T., Tetour, Y., Boehringer, D.: Library of Labs: A European Project on the Dissemination of Remote Experiments and Virtual Laboratories. In: Werner, B. (ed.) IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2011). pp. 543–548. IEEE, Dana Point, California, USA (2011).
    11. Stiemerling, M., Kiesel, S.: ALTO Deployment Considerations. IETF Secretariat (2011).
    12. Gallardo, A., Richter, T., Debicki, P., Bellido, L., Mateos, V., Villagra, V.: A rig booking system for on-line laboratories. In: Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2011 IEEE. pp. 643–648 (2011).
  10. 2010

    1. Cucinotta, T., Checconi, F., Kousiouris, G., Kyriazis, D., Varvarigou, T., Mazzetti, A., Zlatev, Z., Papay, J., Boniface, M., Berger, S., Lamp, D., Voith, T., Stein, M.: Virtualised e-Learning with real-time guarantees on the IRMOS platform. In: Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. pp. 1–8 (2010).
    2. Richter, T., Tetour, Y., Boehringer, D.: Simulations in Undergraduate Electrodynamics: Virtual Laboratory Experiments on the Wave Equation and their Deployment. In: Education Engineering (EDUCON), 2010 IEEE. pp. 1091–1097. IEEE, Madrid, Spain (2010).
    3. Richter, T.: On the duality of rate allocation and quality indices. In: Picture Coding Symposium (PCS). pp. 270–273. IEEE, Nagoya, Japan (2010).
    4. Burr, B., Richter, T., Jeschke, S., Natho, N., Pfeiffer, O.: Virtual and Remote Laboratories in Distance Education. In: 3rd Annual Forum on e-learning Excellence in the Middle East. , Dubai, UAE (2010).
    5. Lutz, D.J., Stiller, B.: Combining identity federation with Payment: The SAML-based                Payment Protocol. In: IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, NOMS                2010, 19-23 April 2010, Osaka, Japan. pp. 495–502 (2010).
    6. Burr, B., Göhner, P., Ressel, W., Schlicht, W., Jeschke, S.: Spirit: University of Stuttgart’s life-cycle-based gender-mainstreaming-concept. In: Education Engineering (EDUCON), 2010 IEEE. pp. 853–860. IEEE, Madrid, Spain (2010).
    7. Kim, K.J., Kim, B., Mantiuk, R., Richter, T., Lee, H., Kang, H.-S., Seo, J., Lee, K.H.: A Comparison of Three Image Fidelity Metrics of Different Computational Principles for JPEG2000 Compressed Abdomen CT Images. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on. 29, 1496–1503 (2010).
    8. Richter, T.: Spatial Constant Quantization in JPEG XR is Nearly Optimal. In: Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2010. pp. 79–88. IEEE, Snowbird, UT (2010).
    9. Lutz, D.J., Lamp, D., Mandic, P., Hecht, F.V., Stiller, B.: Charging of SAML-based federated VoIP services. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference for Internet Technology and                Secured Transactions, ICITST 2010, London, United Kingdom,                November 8-10, 2010. pp. 1–8 (2010).
    10. D.Kyriazis, R.Einhorn, L.Fürst, M.Braitmaier, D.Lamp, K.Konstanteli, G.Kousiouris, A.Menychtas, E.Oliveros, N.Loughran, B.Nasser: A methodology for engineering real-time interactive multimedia applications    on Service Oriented Infrastructure. In: in IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2010 (2010).
    11. Kyriazis, D., Menychtas, A., Oberle, K., Voith, T., Boniface, M., Oliveros, E., Cucinotta, T., Berger, S.: A Real-time Service Oriented Infrastructure, (2010).
    12. Lutz, D.J., Lamp, D., Mandic, P., Hecht, F.V., Stiller, B.: Charging of SAML-based federated VoIP services. Presented at the (2010).
  11. 2009

    1. Richter, T.: Evaluation of Floating Point Image Compression. In: QoMEX 2009, First International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience. pp. 222–227. IEEE, San Diego, CA, USA (2009).
    2. Richter, T., Boehringer, D., Jeschke, S.: LiLa: A European Project on Networked Experiments. In: 6th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation. Kassel University Press, Bridgeport,CT,USA (2009).
    3. Oberle, K., Kessler, M., Stein, M., Voith, T., Lamp, D., Berger, S.: Network virtualization: The missing piece. In: Intelligence in Next Generation Networks, 2009. ICIN 2009. 13th International Conference on. pp. 1–6 (2009).
    4. Richter, T., Boehringer, D., Jeschke, S.: LiLa: Ein Europäisches Projekt zur Vernetzung von Experimenten. In: E-Learning 2009. Lernen im digitalen Zeitalter. Waxmann Verlag GmbH, Münster (2009).
    5. Lutz, D., Stiller, B.: Applied Federation Technology: The Charging of Roaming Students, (2009).
    6. Richter, T., Kim, K.J.: A MS-SSIM Optimal JPEG 2000 Encoder. In: Data Compression Conference. pp. 401–410. IEEE, Snowbird, UT, USA (2009).
    7. Richter, T., Brower, B., Martucci, S., Tzannes, A.: Interoperability in JPIP and its Standardization in JPEG 2000 Part 9. In: SPIE Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXII. SPIE (2009).
    8. Richter, T.: Perceptual Image Coding by Standard-Constraint Codecs. In: Picture Coding Symposium, 2009. PCS 2009. pp. 1–4. , Chicago, IL, USA (2009).
    9. Steger, S., Richter, T.: Universal Refinable Trellis Coded Quantization. In: Data Compression Conference, 2009. DCC ’09. pp. 312–321 (2009).
    10. Jeschke, S., Pfeiffer, O., Richter, T.: VideoEasel --- A flexible programmable simulation environment for discrete many body systems. In: GCC Conference Exhibition, 2009 5th IEEE. pp. 1–5 (2009).
    11. Boehringer, D., Burr, B., Jeschke, S., Richter, T.: Networking Virtual and Remote Experiments in LiLa. In: Proceedings of the 2009 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia \\\& Telecommunications. pp. 1124–1129. AACE, Honolulu, HI, USA (2009).
    12. Jeschke, S., Burr, B., Hahn, J.U., Helmes, L., Kriha, W., Krüger, M., Liehr, A.W., Osten, W., Pfeiffer, O., Richter, T., Schneider, G., Stephan, W., Weber, K.-H.: BW-eLabs -- Knowledge Management in Virtual and Remote Labs. In: 4th International Workshop on Distributed Cooperative Laboratories: Instrumenting the Grid. , Alghero, Sardinia, Italy (2009).
    13. Richter, T.: On the mDCT-PSNR Image Quality Index. In: QoMEX 2009, First International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience. pp. 53–58. IEEE, San Diego, CA, USA (2009).
    14. Jeschke, S., Hauck, E., Pfeiffer, O., Richter, T.: Robotics as demonstrator discipline for networked virtual and remote laboratories. In: Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), 2009 IEEE Workshop on. pp. 109–113 (2009).
  12. 2008

    1. unknown, Mandic, P., Jähnert, J.: Service-oriented network selection, (2008).
    2. Richter, T.: Visual Quality Improvement Techniques of HDPhoto/JPEG-XR. In: Image Processing, 2008. ICIP 2008. 15th IEEE International Conference on. pp. 2888–2891. , San Diego, CA (2008).
    3. Jeschke, S., Pfeiffer, O., Richter, T.: User Adaptive Interactive Courses in SCORM Compliant Learning Management Systems. In: Conference IMCL 2008 Amman. , Amman/Jordan (2008).
    4. Lutz, D., Mandic, P., Neinert, S., del Campo, R., Jähnert, J.: Harmonizing Service and Network Provisioning for Federative Access in a Mobile Environment, (2008).
    5. Jähnert, J.: Commercialising the Mobile Internet from a Metering and Accounting Perspective, (2008).
    6. Jähnert, J., Roque, R., Kaldanis, V.: Federation in Daidalos, (2008).
    7. Lutz, D.: Cash Tokens for SAML based Federations, (2008).
    8. Lutz, D., Stiller, B.: Token-based Payment in Dynamic SAML-based Federations, (2008).
    9. Cleary, F., Romero, A., Jähnert, J., Liang, Y.: Daidalos II: Implementing a Scenario Driven Process, (2008).
    10. Richter, T.: Effective Visual Masking Techniques in JPEG2000. In: Data Compression Conference, 2008. DCC 2008. pp. 540–540 (2008).
    11. Richter, T., Larabi, C.: Towads Objective Image Quality Metrics: The AIC Eval Program of the JPEG. In: Tescher, A. (ed.) Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXI. SPIE, San Diego, CA (2008).
    12. Jähnert, J.: Model Driven Testing, (2008).
    13. Richter, T.: Effective Visual Masking Techniques in JPEG2000. In: Image Processing, 2008. ICIP 2008. 15th IEEE International Conference on. pp. 2876–2879. , San Diego, CA (2008).
    14. Jeschke, S., Richter, T., Sinha, U.: Embedding Virtual and Remote Experiments Into a Cooperative Knowledge Space. In: The 2008 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2008). IEEE, Saratoga, NY (2008).
    15. Jeschke, S., Richter, T., Pfeiffer, O., Scheel, H., Thomsen, C.: Selected Aspects of Magnetism in Virtual Laboratories and Remote Experiments. In: 9th Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education. , Reykjavik, Iceland (2008).
    16. Jeschke, S., Richter, T., Isele, T., Pfeiffer, O.: Algorithms on Graphs: Automatic Course Verification in eLearning. In: The 10th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing ~IMSA 2008~. , Kailua, Hawaii (2008).
  13. 2007

    1. Jähnert, J., Cuevas, A., Moreno, J.I., Villagra, V.A., Wesner, S., Olmedo, V., Einsiedler, H.: The Akogrimo way towards an extended IMS architecture, (2007).
    2. Lutz, D.: Web2.0 for Machines and Services: Human Oriented Service Identity Management, (2007).
    3. Waldburger, M., Morariu, C., Racz, P., Jähnert, J., Wesner, S., Stiller, B.: Grids in a Mobile World: Akogrimos Network and Business Views, (2007).
    4. Richter, T., Grottke, S., Seiler, R.: Faster JPEG2000 Encoding With Apriori Rate Allocation. In: International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2007. , HongKong (2007).
    5. Boehringer, D.: Bridging the gaps: A community server for the connection of different Learning Management Systems. In: Proc. Online Educa. pp. 393–394. , Berlin (2007).
    6. Jeschke, S., Richter, T., Thomsen, C., Scheel, H.: On Remote and Virtual Experiments in eLearning in Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. In: Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, 2007. PerCom Workshops ’07. Fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on. , New York (2007).
    7. Lutz, D.: Secure AAA by means of Identity Tokens in Next Generation Mobile Environments, (2007).
    8. Grottke, S., Richter, T.: Learning Abstract Information Theory on Visual Data: An Integrated Course on Wavelet-Based Image Compression. In: 2007 ASEE annual conference. , Honolulu, Hawaii (2007).
    9. Jeschke, S., Richter, T.: Selected Aspects of Networked Experiments in Cooperative Knowledge Spaces. In: 2nd International Conference on Engineering Education & Training (ICEET-2). , Kuwait (2007).
    10. Jeschke, S., Pfeiffer, O., Richter, T., Scheel, H., Thomsen, C.: On Remote and Virtual Experiments in eLearning in Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. In: 6th Annual ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education. , Istanbul (2007).
    11. Grottke, S., Jeschke, S., Richter, T.: An Integrated Course on Wavelet-Based Image Compression - Learning Abstract Information Theory on Visual Data. In: CISSE 2007 (2007).
    12. Jähnert, J.: Verteilte Nutzungsdatenverarbeitung und nachgelagerte Weiterverarbeitung der Nutzungsdaten im Mobilen Internet, (2007).
    13. Kirkham, T., Lutz, D., Movilla, J., Mandic, P., Gallop, J., Morariu, C.: Identity Management in a Mobile Grid Environment, (2007).
    14. Lutz, D.: Federation Payments using SAML Tokens with Trusted Platform Modules, (2007).
    15. Jeschke, S., Richter, T., Thomsen, C., Scheel, H.: On Remote and Virtual Experiments in eLearning. JSW. (2007).
    16. Jeschke, S., Pfeiffer, O., Richter, T., Scheel, H., Thomsen, C.: On Remote and Virtual Experiments in eLearning in Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. In: 2007 ASEE annual conference. , Honolulu, Hawaii (2007).
    17. Lutz, D.: Using Neural Gas for a Better Machine Identity Description, (2007).
    18. Cuevas, A., Jähnert, J., Moreno, J.I., Villagra, V.A., Olmedo, V., Wesner, S.: The Akogrimo Service Provisioning Platform, (2007).
  14. 2006

    1. Werner, C., Liang, Y., Jähnert, J., Ebner, M.: Daidalos - A scenario based approach from scenarios towards integration, (2006).
    2. Chen, Z., Tang, Y., Christ, P.: Source Channel Adaptation as a QoS strategy for DAIDALOS, (2006).
    3. Grottke, S., Richter, T., Seiler, R.: Apriori Rate Allocation in Wavelet-Based Image Compression. In: Chinacom 2006. , Beijing, China (2006).
    4. Aguiar, R.L., Jähnert, J., Gomez Skarmeta, A.F., Hauser, C.: Identity Management in Federated Telecommunications Systems, (2006).
    5. Chen, Z., Tang, Y., Christ, P.: H.264 Based Video Transmission in Cross-layer Wireless Communication Systems, (2006).
    6. Lutz, D., del Campo, R.: Bridging the Gap between Privacy and Security in Multi-Domain-Federations with Identity Tokens, (2006).
    7. Liang, Y., Jähnert, J., Christ, P.: Towards multi-dimensional scenario-driven process chain, (2006).
    8. Kögel, J., Kiesel, S.: Security Impact of DNS Delegation Structure and Configuration Problems,, (2006).
    9. Waldburger, M., Morariu, C., Racz, P., Jähnert, J., Wesner, S., Stiller, B.: Grids in a Mobile World: Akogrimos Network and Business Views, (2006).
    10. Chen, Z., Tang, Y., Christ, P.: A cross-layer design for 4g wireless real-time video communication, (2006).
  15. 2005

    1. Carneiro, G., Garcia, C., Neves, P., Chen, Z., Wetterwald, M., Ricardo, M., Serrano, P., Sargento, S., Banchs, A.: The DAIDALOS Architecture for QoS over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, (2005).
    2. Boehringer, D., Mangler, A., Burr, B.: Vorlesungsaufzeichnungen an der Universität Stuttgart. In: Horz, H., Hürst, W., Ottmann, T., Rensing, C., and Trahasch, S. (eds.) eLectures - Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Herausforderungen und Forschungsperspektiven. pp. 13--18 (2005).
    3. Burr, B., D., B., Göhner, P.: e-Learning and e-Teaching: Media Development at the Universität Stuttgart. In: König., G., Lehmann, H., and Köhring, R. (eds.) Proceedings of the ISPRS working group VI/1 - VI/2, Tools and Techniques for E-Learning. International Archives of Photogrammetry (2005).
    4. Chen, Z., Christ, P.: Improving Cross-layer QoS Performance in 4G Mobile Communications, (2005).
    5., J.J.: The Pure-IP Moby Dick 4G Architecture, (2005).
    6. Chen, Z., Christ, P.: Improving the Radio Link Layer QoS Performance for Bluetooth Real-time Video Communications, (2005).
    7., A.C.: Usability and Evaluation of a Deployed 4G Network Prototype, (2005).
  16. 2004

    1. Boehringer, D., Burr, B., Göhner, P., Töpfer, A.: E-Learning-Programme der Universität Stuttgart. In: Bremer, C. and Kohl, K. (eds.) E-Learning-Strategien und E-Learning-Kompetenzen an Hochschulen. pp. 209–219. , Bielefeld (2004).
    2. Liang, Y., Christ, P., Jähnert, J., Sarma, A., Melia, T.: Taming Monsters like Daidalos, (2004).
    3. Jähnert, J., Kim, H.-W.: The Moby Dick Approach Towards 4G Networks, (2004).
    4. Kurtansky, P., Hasan, H., Stiller, B., Singh, D., Zander, S., Cuevas, A., Jähnert, J., Zhou, J.: Extensions of AAA for Future IP Networks, (2004).
    5. Lu, W., Zhou, J., Kurtansky, P., Jähnert, J.: Charging in the Next Generation Mobile Internet, (2004).
    6. Boehringer, D., Burr, B., Göhner, P.: e-learning and e-teaching - Media Development at the Universität Stuttgart. In: ETH World Workshop “Best Practices of ICT Use in a University Environment” (2004).
    7. Aguiar, R., Bijwaard, D., Jähnert, J., Christ, P., Einsiedler, H.: Designing Networks for the Delivery of Advanced Flexible Personal Services: the Daidalos Approach, (2004).
    8., A.C.: Field Evaluation of a 4G True-IP network, (2004).
  17. 2003

    1. Jähnert, J.: Overview of the 6WinIT project, (2003).
    2. Jähnert, J.: IPv6: A Mobility Enabler, (2003).
    3. Jähnert, J.: Cost-efficient Metering and Accounting for 4G networks, (2003).
    4. Burgstahler, L., Dolzer, K., Hauser, C., Jähnert, J., Junghans, S., Macian, C., Payer, W.: Beyond Technology: The Missing Pieces for QoS Success, (2003).
    5. Jähnert, J.: Problem Statement: Metering and Accounting in the full-IP 4G environment, (2003).
    6. Brownlee, N., Christ, P., Jähnert, J., Liang, Y., Srinivasan, K., Zhou, J.: MobyDick FlowVis - Using NeTraMet for distributed prorocol analysis in a 4G network environment, (2003).
    7. Jähnert, J.: Game Theory - A concept pushing Wireless Internet Access towards a commercialized IP-dominating network, (2003).
    8. Zhang, W., Jähnert, J., Dolzer, K.: Design and Evaluation of A Handover Decision Strategy for 4th Generation Mobile Networks, (2003).
    9. Jähnert, J.: Moby Dick, (2003).
  18. 2002

    1. Jähnert, J.: The Moby Dick Architecture, (2002).
    2. Jähnert, J.: Price Strategies for next Generation Wireless Internet Access, (2002).
    3. Hasan, H.,, J.J.: The Design of an Extended AAAC Architecture, (2002).
    4. Angelopoulos, J., Boettle, D., Christ, P., Jähnert, J., Leligou, H.-C., Wahl, S.: Design and implementation of a DiffServ enabled HFC system offering strict QoS support, (2002).
    5. Jähnert, J.: Preisstrategien für drahtlosen Internetzugang der nächsten Generation, (2002).
    6. Liebsch, M., Perez, X., Schmitz, R., Sarma, A., Jähnert, J., Tessier, S., Wetterwald, M., Soto:, I.: Solutions for IPv6-based mobility in the EU project Moby Dick, (2002).
  19. 2001

    1. Marques, V., Aguiar, R., Jähnert, J., Jonas, K., Liebsch, M., Einsiedler, H., Fontes, F.: An Heterogeneous Mobile IP QoS-aware Network, (2001).
    2. Marques, V., Aguiar, R., Fontes, F., Jähnert, J., Einsiedler, H.: Enabling IP QoS in Mobile Environments, (2001).
    3. Einsiedler, H., Aguiar, R.L., Jähnert, J., Jonas, K., Liebsch, M., Schmitz, R., Pacyna, P., J.Gozdecki, Papir, Z., Moreno, J.I., Soto, I.: The MobyDick Project: A Mobile Heterogeneous All-IP Architecture, (2001).
    4. Hasan, H., Jähnert, J., Zander, S., Stiller:, B.: Authentication, Authorisation, Accounting, and Charging for the Mobile Internet, (2001).
    5. Christ, P., Jähnert, J.: How will the Internet Survive the Mobility Shock?, (2001).
    6. Einsiedler, H., Jähnert, J., Jonas, K., Liebsch, M., Schmitz, R.: Mobility Support for a Future Communication Architecture, (2001).
    7. Hasan, H., Jähnert, J., Zander, S., Stiller, B.: Authentication, Authorization, Accounting, and Charging for the Mobile Internet, (2001).
  20. 2000

    1. Wahl, S., Leligou, H.C., Jähnert, J.: Architecture and Experiences of a Multi-Service HFC Network, (2000).
    2. (RUS), J.J., Stuttgart), S.W. (Alcatel, (NTUA), H.C.L.: Provision of QoS for legacy IP applications in an ATM over HFC access network, (2000).
  21. 1999

    1. Resch, M.M., Rantzau, D., Stoy, R.: Metacomputing experience in a transatlantic wide area application test-bed, (1999).
    2. Jähnert, J., Fahner, H.: The impact on high-speed access network on residential users, (1999).
    3. Guillemot, C., Christ, P., Wesner, S., Klemets, A.: RTP Payload Format for MPEG-4 with Scaleable & Flexible Error Resiliency, (1999).
    4. Guillemot, C., Wesner, S., Christ, P.: Integrating MPEG-4 into the Internet, (1999).
  22. 1998

    1. Boettle, D., Wahl, S., Cesar, B., Jähnert, J.: Broadband Access via Hybrid Fibre Coax Sytems, (1998).
    2. Christ, P., Jähnert, J., Fahner, H., Giannitrapani, A., Wesner, S., Li, W.: ATM-over-HFC-based Access To the Internet for Residential Users, (1998).
    3., J.J.: Interworking Technology and Applications ATM-over-HFC-based Access to the Internet for Residential Users, (1998).
    4. Christ, P., Guillemot, Ch., Wesner, S.: RTSP-based Stream Control in MPEG-4, (1998).
    5. Guillemot, C., Christ, P., Wesner, S.: RTP Generic Payload with Scaleable & Flexible Error Resiliency, (1998).
    6. Eickermann, Th., Henrichs, J., Resch, M., Stoy, R., Voelpel, R.: Metacomputing in gigabit environments: Networks, tools and applications, (1998).
  23. 1997

    1. Böttle, D., Fahner, H.,, P.C.: ATM Applications over Hybrid Fibre Coax Trials, (1997).
    2. Fahner, H., G.Ramlot, D.Böttle: ATHOC Trials: Architecture and First Results, (1997).
    3. Christ, P., Fahner, H., Li, W., Jähnert, J.: Signalling Issues for IP over ATM in a HFC Environment, (1997).
    4. Böttle, D., Fahner, H.: Introducing Broadband Services on HFC Networks, (1997).
    5. Maiß, G., Fahner, H.: MBone im B-Win, (1997).
  24. 1996

    1. Fahner, H., Feil, P.: Tutorial: MBone (IP Multicast), Grundlagen, Tools, Anwendungen, (1996).
  25. 1995

    1. Feil, P.: High Speed Networking in Europe Today: RUS, Pilot User of the European ATM Network, (1995).
    2. Fahner, H.: Das europäische ATM, (1995).
  26. 1994

    1. Fahner, H.: PAGEIN Demonstration with a Wide Area CBDS/SMDS Configured Network, (1994).
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